Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ideas I Love: Personalizing the Cocktail Hour

Ideas I Love: I ask my brides a lot of questions that help me to think up ideas that will personalize their weddings. I had a bride and groom who loved NASCAR so one of the ideas I had was to design cocktail table pieces that expressed that. I enjoy when my brides participate, so I designed the idea that Sarah and her mom carried out. I had her wrap vases in colored cording (which I told them where to buy) in the colors of their favorite drivers. Sarah did just that and collected matchbox cars to put around their base. She also found that wonderful black and white checked ribbon for me, which I incorporated into the design. I just love it!
To carry through the NASCAR theme - I also used colorful automotive funnels on the hors d'oeuvres table at Duportail House. There are bottles underneath to hold the flowers.

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