Bridesmaids carried mixed bouquets of purple and lavender carnations. If you've never seen the Moon family of carnations they're the prettiest carnations you'll ever see. Love them and use them frequently. Groomsmen did not wear boutonnieres on their uniforms.
Such a pretty church. I made a three tiered vertical arrangement for the white column vases I used here. They consisted of hydrangea, purple tipped white carnations, and gladiolus.
I added pomanders of purple carnations down the church aisle in three shades of purple. We used the beautiful Moon carnations in lavender through purple and spaced them from light to medium to dark.
For the cocktail tables I filled little glass squares with cute purple bubbles and topped them off with a purple hydrangea. They're fun, inexpensive arrangements that added more purple to the cocktail hour.
Libby's aunt made centerpieces to fit her Enchanted Forest theme. I wanted her placecard arrangement to be representative as well. So, I used a manzanita branch cemented into a moss pot. I filled the top of the pot with purple hydrangea - but instead of attaching flowers to the little branches, I used purple butterflies and crystals. I thought they'd be much for fitting for an enchanted forest theme. I love how this came out.
Congratulations to Elizabeth and James. May you enjoy the next chapter of your life in North Carolina!
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