Denine's favorite flowers are gerber daisies - which I myself absolutely love - so I was really excited about working with her on her wedding. She wanted to use bright vibrant color pallette of bright pinks, oranges, and lime greens - perfect for a summer wedding at Bolingbroke. Denine added wonderful details to her wedding including the most colorful candy buffet you ever saw! Of course my pictures didn't turn out, so I can't share them with you. But trust me when I say Denine was on top of everything and Bolingbroke was vibrating with color. Besides Denine's bouquet, I think my favorite things were the mantle pieces we had painted for the bride and groom. The tins were personalized with the couples' names and I filled them with wheat grass and what else?......gerber daises!

Denine's bouquet consisted of a layer of bright pink roses upon which I placed a variety of orange and bright pink mini gerber daisies. On top of the daisies, I layered a string of lime green pearls which looked so cute on this bouquet. Randall wore a matching gerber daisy boutonniere. 
Bridesmaids carried bouquets of dark pink carnations, orange gerber daisies, and green button mums. My photos were terrible. But the adorable ringbearer box and flower girl pomander came out just fine.

Even though Denine wanted to use fresh gerber daisies everywhere in her wedding, we substituted faux gerbers
for the outside ceremony. Gerbers don't retain water real well, especially in the heat, and we were concerned with the temperature in August. I think the ceremony was adorable. I made bouquets of gerber daisies for the railing, hung daises from the chairs on the aisle, and even scattered extra large gerber daisy "heads" along the bridal path. I loved the bright colors of the ribbon and the flowers. 
Centerpiece vases either had ribbon and mums wrapped around the outside or were filled with bubbles. Roses, gerber daises, and lime green button mums filled each vase. Very cute flowers for a very cute couple!
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