This is Pooh in his Christmas finery. We adopted him from the Perkiomenville SPCA about 6 years ago.
We are happily enjoying our time off during the holidays. It's nice to spend time with my children and my family. My husband will be home with me until New Years, which is very nice. We just gave two family parties this past weekend that were really fun and now we're finishing up our shopping. Anne and I did take the time to make two important stops. You all know that we collect food and various items for the SPCA. This was our third trip over there this year with a van full of blankets, towels, food, bleach, litter boxes, and more. We thank all of you who have donated to this special shelter, especially in this time of economic need. The SPCA is bursting at the seams with animals. Many people can no longer afford to keep their pets because they are having trouble feeding their children. And donations are down, so we left a sizable check for them as well. Here's how to contact this shelter if you'd like to donate:
Anne and I also wanted to help out at our local food pantry because people, as well as animals, are suffering. We purchased many Giant gift cards in hopes that many families will get to choose what they can use. The Community Food Pantry, at Jerusalem Lutheran Church, is in dire need of all food items. Here's how you can help:
Please don't forget that there are small ways to help those less fortunate than you. And if you can't afford to send a donation or volunteer a couple hours of your time - just a few cans of dog or cat food or old towels and blankets (for the SPCA) and cereal, granola bars, a jar of peanut butter, or a jar of jelly (for the Food Pantry) are all items which would be greatly appreciated.
Happy Holidays to you and your families. We'll be back in 2009 with more flower pictures and ideas. Leslie